26. Septembar 2014.

Tekst pjesme:

Our music is for free
you can download .mp3
keep it playing on repeat
if you hate it - press delete

Click it, save it, seed it, share it, link it, stream it, we don’t pay
Click it, save it, seed it, share it, link it, stream it, Pirate Bay

We do file share like we don’t care
throw music industry in despair
It’s a little bit queer but have no fear,
let’s get connected - peer to peer

We don’t give a shit about a copyright law
we take it from the rich and give it to the poor
(like a) high speed internet Robin Hoods
pirate gang from file Share-wood

You can find anything if you seek
government secrets from Wikileaks
images of naked celebrities
And Jamie Oliver’s recipes

It doesn’t really matter where you coming from
From Barack Obama to Kim Dotcom
Everybody downloads pornography
and Dubioza kolektiv mp3s

Our music is for free
you can download .mp3
keep it playing on repeat
if you hate it - press delete

This MP3 is for free
download now A.S.A.P.
Once you hear it you will see
it’s mega hit - OMG

Get instructional video of how to start
doing living-room surgeries on open heart
Blueprints of NASA satellites
and stolen numbers of credit cards

If you wanna new album from Rolling Stones
entire season of Game of Thrones
it’s little bit illegal but that’s OK
let’s do it like they do on the Pirate Bay

Click it, save it, seed it, share it, link it, stream it, we don’t pay
Click it, save it, seed it, share it, link it, stream it, Pirate Bay

(and now the filter)
Our music is for free
you can download .mp3
keep it playing on repeat
if you hate it - press delete

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Preporučite nas na društvenim mrežama!

  1. 01 USA

    I am from Bosnia,take me to America I really want to see Statue of Liberty I can no longer wait,take me to Unites States Take me to Golden Gate, I

  2. 02 Blam

    Da sam dobar,da sam fin da sam tatin sin, Da ima love i da imam brz automobil Ne treba mi posao,ne treba mi cilj,prst u uho,ja nemam potrebe za ti

  3. Progam vlade stane na stranicu formata A4 Progam jeste ambiciozan al on je Veoma realan i izvodljiv Dali vjerujete federalnoj vladi? Nevjerujem!

  4. vrijeme kao da je stalo samo dani se broje ne mogu da vjerujem dekade dvije stoje ovdje je najbitnije ko se kako zove sramota da budućnost tak

  5. 05 Kazu

    Kažu da je Bosna samo država za rođaka i da smo na vrhu liste po odlivu "mozaka" Kažu opet Iran pravi nuklearne bombe žvaka čisti zube a

  6. Auf wiedersehen miss Merkel, you are not my friend. When i tell you merhaba, you dont understand. Cantare Berlusconi, prostitution story, His li

  7. REF. Check it out now, funk soul brother Right about now, funk soul brother. Check it out now, funk soul brother Right about now, funk soul brothe

  8. 08 Kokuz

    Zbog svjetske krize nemam za rizle nemam ni gandje, aman bas bi mi sjelo, taman (nemam gandje, aman). Zasto, u ovoj vukojebini sam ja odrast'o

  9. Volio bi' da za Bosnu zaigra Ronaldo na svadbi da mi pjeva Amadeus Rambo Volio bi' da nam djecu ne dijele po vjeri na TV da se vrate Šilja,

  10. Ni danas nije počeo svenarodni ustanak idu svi na sindikalni prvomajski uranak. Proleteri kao jedan žure do cilja nozdrve golica miris rošti

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