19. Novembar 2009.

Tekst pjesme:

I guess it`s just another night
another fight, that old familiar scene
you looking at your watch again
saying what`s the time, and where the hell you`ve been
me there on the other side
wondering why, i even try at all
looking into my heart again
with your x-ray eyes
tell me what you`re trying to see
can`t stand the way you look at me

i put my?
hands up, i put my hands up, i guess i`m guilty
hands up, i must have done whatever you accused me of
why stand up, to hear you judgement, it`s always guilty
but i`m gonna make a break, before you turn the key? Yeah

maybe my life would be easier
getting out of here and trying to make it right
cause no matter what i do
i can`t get through, i don`t want to just get by
we forgot what livin` is
we just exist, there`s nothing left inside
should i tell you what you want to hear
and kill it with this lie?
show you what you want to see
it seems to be that you need me

to put my?
hands up, i put my hands up, i guess i`m guilty?

when did we become these strangers, i don`t even recognise us
there`s nothing there to justify you, feeling the way you do
but i guess all i can do is put my?

hands up, i put my hands up, i guess i`m guilty?

i guess it`s just another night
another fight, that old familiar scene

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